Nicor Lighting 19000A 4 In. 120V Airtight Universal HSG
Product Details
Small aperture housing for accent and task lighting and housing adjusts to accommodate ceiling thickness||Insulation must be kept a minimum of 3-in from housing and can be positioned at any point within 24-in joist span||Includes 3 push-in wire connectors, integral thermal protector||Limits exchange of air between ceiling plenum and heated/cooled areas||Washington state energy code approved to meet restricted airflow requirements||Small aperture housing for accent and task lighting and housing adjusts to accommodate ceiling thickness||Insulation must be kept a minimum of 3-in from housing and can be positioned at any point within 24-in joist span||Includes 3 push-in wire connectors, integral thermal protector||Limits exchange of air between ceiling plenum and heated/cooled areas||Washington state energy code approved to meet restricted airflow requirements||Residential lighting grade||Damp location installation||Requires a 50-watt PAR20-shape medium-base (E-26) clear incandescent light bulb, not included