JAX® Green Patina
Product Details
PERMANENT: JAX Green Patina produces a permanent, authentic green finish on copper, brass and bronze. EASY TO USE: JAX Green Patina is easy to apply. Use a stiff bristle brush and apply the JAX Green Patina directly to the metal. Do not dip your metal into JAX Green Patina. Always use JAX Products in plastic or glass containers EASY TO CONTROL: The initial coat is critical, but additional coats may be applied. Allow each coat to thoroughly air-dry (24 hours). Do not dilute the product. NEVER EXPIRE: JAX products never expire; however, they can deteriorate over time if not cared for properly. Safety is the first priority. Always store JAX products at room temperature, in tightly closed original containers PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA BY JAX CHEMICAL COMPANY, a quarter of a century of giving our customers uncompromising quality. Go ahead, experience a metal polish that's tried and trusted