Apogee Instruments DLI-600 ePAR, Daily Light Integral, and Photoperiod Meter ...
Product Details
Product Overviewnn--Style Name: DLI-600nn - Apogee DLI-600New for 2022, the Apogee DLI-600 is an elegant, simple-to-usendevice for spot checking the levels of the newly defined 400-750 nm extendednphotosynthetically active radiation ePAR levels and measuring daily lightnintegral ...MoreProduct Overviewnn--Style Name: DLI-600nn - Apogee DLI-600New for 2022, the Apogee DLI-600 is an elegant, simple-to-usendevice for spot checking the levels of the newly defined 400-750 nm extendednphotosynthetically active radiation ePAR levels and measuring daily lightnintegral DLI and photoperiod PP. This waterproof and compact meter isnperfect for taking quick measurements of ePAR or recording DLI total photonsnper 24-hour period and the duration of light per day photoperiod in 6nminute increments wherever the meter is placed. Daily DLI and PP data isnrecorded for the last 99 days and can be viewed onscreen by pressing thenbutton repeatedly. - Apogee Quality - Our products are developed by world-renownedncrop physiologist, Dr. Bruce Bugbee, and are considered the gold-standard bynagricultural professionals and researchers for measuring PAR levels forngrowing plants. The DLI-600 feat4Less