Magnetic Emotion Regulation Choice Board - Therapeutic Tool for Classroom Home ...
Product Details
HIGH QUALITY DESIGN: Light grey felt material, foldable carry case for easy "to go" or store away in your calming corner. It has 2 magnetic boards inside: the top board has space to present the feeling faces. The bottom board has space to present most of the "I choose" regulation choices. There is a mirror on the back side, and pockets to store the manual, and extra choices so that little ones won't get overwhelmed from too many choice options. MAGNETIC FOAM PIECES: Each magnetic piece is clear and labeled for ease in understanding! The emotion faces are detailed with facial expressions, and the regulation choices are easy to understand and read. Each emotion face and choice piece is a thick foam magnetic square that all size hands can easily hold and move around. MANUAL: Each board comes with a short manual explaining why to use the Magnetic Emotion-Choice Board, and how to use each choice. BE AN ATTUNED CO-REGULATOR: This tool will guide any parent, caregiver, educator, and even siblings or peers in supporting the process of identifying emotions, and regulating them in healthy and safe ways. Parents, grandparents and older siblings at home, educators and peers in the classroom will develop skills and integrate them within themselves, as they support and implement the skills in their younger siblings when they have their emotional experiences. The Polyvagal Approach: Taking your child to the calming corner and having a visual tool to help them identify their emotions, while supporting and guiding them to choose appropriate ways to calm and release distressing emotions in a present, safe, supportive, connecting, accepting and non-judgmental way is supported by top trauma specialist. This product supports the polyvagal theory approach in supporting the development of emotional resilience in our children by being healthy co-regulators... view more