#9 Copper Rivets & Burrs
Product Details
USED IN A VARIETY OF APPLICATIONS - Ideal for leather belts, halters, bridles, purses, courier bags, clothing, bracelets, leather-crafting and more. They also come in handy when working with canvas and other types of sturdy fabric, upholstery and textiles. HEAVY DUTY AND RUSTPROOF - These number nine copper rivets are heavy duty and rustproof. They are a permanent solution that fasten securely when used. AVAILABLE IN DIFFERENT RIVET LENGTHS - 5/8", 3/4", 7/8", or 1". It is better to be too long than to not have enough length to go through your material. We reccomend cutting (nipping) the rivet off about 1/16th of an inch above the burr. DIMENSIONS OF THE RIVET - Head = 1/2", Tube Diameter = 5/32" (4mm), It is a number 9 size. HIGH QUALITY TRUSTED HARDWARE - We always choose the highest quality hardware we can find and trust this hardware to make several products in our pack equipment leather shop in Columbia Falls, Montana. You can't go wrong with this set!