TBN Booster Oil Additive uses TBN lowering addive, a CK-4 additive pack and FR3 Friction Reducer to decrease the frequency of your oil changes; by replenishing your oil's dispersants and detergents, TBN booster helps oil last longer
By stabilizing your oil and preventing engine corrosion, you'll reduce service times and the likelihood of future maintenance needs; slow your oil's oxidation rate and neutralize acidic qualities with Hot Shot's Secret TBN Booster
TBN booster engine stabilizer works with any commercially available engine oil whether it's conventional or synthetic; it can also be used in conjunction with Hot Shot's Secret Diamond Series Engine oils
The more Hot Shot's Secret TBN Booster Oil Additive you add to your engine, the more you will neutralize your oil's acidic qualities and slow oxidation; this prevents long-term engine problems and reduces the need for maintenance service times
When used regularly, TBN Booster Oil Additive can increase your engine's total base number by up to 7 points; replenish the detergents your oil naturally loses over time with Hot Shot's Secret TBN Boosterview less